The artist has selected 20 thematically compatible paintings to be offered for sale as a single unified piece. This creates a unique opportunity for a private, public or corporate client to acquire this collection of exquisite original watercolours. Each painting is beautifully framed to conservation standards, measuring 540mmX575mm. Secure the entire collection and ensure the room or space of your choosing imbues a rarified soothing ambience.

These paintings have been extruded from the artists' mind and although they relate to landscape, the paintings are allegories, alluding to that which sustains the elements of matter.

"A collection of this calibre reveals the collective experiences of the Inner Man, the Soul and the Artist. Eyes which seek to embrace the essential unity of all things are painting these pictures. Against a supernatural backdrop of the sublime, this collection reveals that mans' natural living room, the Earth, is more than a mere physical environment - it is a sacred space through which we make contact with our own eternal nature."
Robert Parker

Price on application.

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